one of the most precious and valuable commodities going around these days is time.
every second was a precious moment, know i'm thinking about the path i've chosen..we are all short of it. we all want more of it. and some may wish to control it.
as the year draws to its end, never before have i seen such a commodity being so valuable - a commodity which seems to be wasted a lot. an hourglass, i think, would be a good analogy to use. as time runs out, grains of sand fall to the bottom of the hour glass. each grain of sand may seem insignificant on its own, just like the seconds and hours we have in a day, but when put together, they prove to be something of worth. also, each grain of sand can be symbolic of what you decide to do with it; whether you use it productively, invest successfully, or whether you disregard it due to its insignificance.
holidays, exams and everything is coming to an end. i wish there was more time at hand. more sand in the hour glass. i don't want that last grain of sand to drop, as it'll all be over by then.
some people often wish they could also turn back time, to do things differently, to right wrongs, and turn back the regrets they make. some use time as an excuse, as if they have plenty to spare. whether some people have the patience for such time is a different story. some people spend their whole lives just waiting, wasting time, watching each grain of sand drop in the hope they by the time the hourglass finishes, something of hope occurs as it is turned over once again.
whilst time can be seen as a valuable commodity, it can too, be something of negative value. time and the absence of seems to be what tears people apart, whilst time and the presence of, can also bring people together. some people say give it time, and it seems that others may just have been giving them time since the beginning and is just waiting for it to become all better again. but does giving something time really mean to completely ignore it and disregard it completely?
seconds, hours so many days, you know what you want, but how long can you wait, every moment lasts forever, when you feel you've lost your way.
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