Monday, August 2, 2010

friends that cost.

so to carry on from a previous blog about the quotes i found:
But nowadays, when love can be exchanged for benefits, friendship can buy power.
Is it really that naive and silly to pursue true love and true friendship?
this isn't a post about finding true friendship. it's more about the cost of a friendship. does friendship actually cost/come at a cost. can it really be assigned a monetary value, a dollar sign?

can different friendships come at different prices?

i guess i too have at times considered different people to be worth different amounts when buying stuff, and have also considered the amount of money i've spent on certain people and whether all that money is a waste.

sometimes my dad even says, the money he spends on me, is like an investment. and he is waiting for high returns from me. so do we all put in certain amounts only because we hope to gain a certain return? or do we put in what we see fit as to not come at a loss here?

should friendships really be judged by cost? right now, some people have amazed me by their actions and words yet again.

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