Friday, August 20, 2010

life and games.

lies. manipulation. deception. betrayal and the whole lot. when it comes to life, it is these things that come to trouble us.

most of us take life seriously. for those who take the piss out of things, whilst it may seem like a game to you, it's other people's lives you are messing with.

people often do things for their own benefit. when it comes to a dog eat dog world, everyone fends for themselves. but to what degree of it does it allow you to start messing with other people's lives? messing with people's minds and manipulation may be entertaining for some to watch, that is, to watch another person crash and burn. you may laugh at the catastrophe that is has caused, but for those affected, it's their life you just ruined, and it's now their hell.

certain people may say one thing to one person, and something else to another. they try and put their own spin on things, they try to gain the numbers when it counts. they do all this, for the attention, for the satisfaction, and it shows they have no purpose in life at the moment pretty much.

people dog one another and rat others out.

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