Friday, August 27, 2010


don't you just love how direct and blunt some people are? or how others like to subtly ask you or tell you things?

so today, someone subtly asked me for a lift. i didn't mind. i was more than happy to drive them home as i consider them a good friend. whilst driving another one home from tutor today, we were talking about another kid scabbing lifts now that i can drive. we both laughed. the answer to if he did, would be no. some people don't understand what is asking too much, or just too troublesome.
1 it's not on the way
2 i find you annoying
3 your a scab

sometimes there are limits as to what you can ask from certain people. i guess i can relate this back to my english studies and social distances. LOL but anyone with common sense would know, what is appropriate and inappropriate.

i love how people subtly ask things. i love how they try and transition from one topic to another smoothly without any awkwardness just so they can get to their point. it's quite entertaining to watch those people dig a hole for themselves.

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