so it's my 50th blog. it's not that special, but it is the spark that has lit the fire, which is the theme of this post - milestones and the little things.
milestones are significant events in our lives, whilst the little things in life, are those that aren't as significant, but can also influence your mood, for better or worse. each milestone, each insignificant event varies for all individuals. some of these are shared with others, whilst some, are kept private, to ourselves, and close to our heart. some of these, can be the light that shines on your grimmest day, whilst some, can be the slightest disappointment that ruins a perfect day. whilst milestones are seen to be significant, and those little things that count do not, both of these define, shape and influence the way we feel, what we do, and how we grow. they are both just as important.
whilst the little things may seem insignificant to others, to an individual, they may mean the world. just a simple text can brighten ones day. just an essence of acknowledgment, a simple thank-you can make a day. sometimes remembering the little things, and making them count can make a difference. one little thing may seem tiny, somewhat meaningless and minuscule, but add a lot of them together, and they can stand for something much bigger, something of much more importance.
milestones are significant events in our past - the good and the bad. anniversaries of such events, or even mere reminders of them can often trigger a roller-coaster of emotions; joy, grief, anger, frustration, happiness, regret etc. appreciate the good ones, and learn from the bad ones. if such memories can be shared with others, than appreciate them even more. hang on to them, as you never know what will happen in the future. some milestones may be celebrated with others one day, but the next, it can be one that makes you reminisce, regret, and ask what has happened. the ones that can be shared with people, can often be taken away as people walk in and out of your life.
each moment in your life, whether you know it or not, changes who you are. each one has its defining story, their own little tale. some are like fairytales with happy endings, some may be epic and end dismally, some may be fables and have a moral to it, and some may just be too plain and long to read. and just like any book, those the stories that can be enjoyed are often retold over and over again. even those that are sad, and end badly, if written well, and even if it does hurt, are often retold, whereas those that make no sense, lack any substance, and those that you just do not have the time or concern for, can become meaningless, and may as well just be a book with blank pages, a blank canvas, so that they can be rewritten.
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